Darren and Laura were sleeping in bliss indeed, but the cosmos was scheming.
While the world slept, alternate
realities came together and mixed and matched mischievously, playing with the
lifeforms inside.
Books, food, and writing ✨
Darren and Laura were sleeping in bliss indeed, but the cosmos was scheming.
While the world slept, alternate
realities came together and mixed and matched mischievously, playing with the
lifeforms inside.
Don’t get it? Read Hydraulic Press here and it will aaaaall become cleeeaaar A’d had enough of Mikey’s shite by the time a met wee Scott, who appeared to […]
SUMMARY: 1998 sports comedy written and directed by David Zucker, starring South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker as two waster best friends who accidentally create a whacky hybrid […]
A love ma wee Gordy tae bits, right, so am really worried about this funk he’s gotten himself intae. He spends aw his time, lately, sittin’ aboot, mopin’, no dain […]
“What the fuck is that?” I spit at my manager. This is a cosy wee job. Doesn’t ask too much of me, isn’t particularly strenuous…in fact, it can be quite […]
This week we got the third instalment of the CW’s fourth season of season four which acted very much as a lovely little rom com with some horrific undertones featuring […]
I think the acting on iZombie is going to get better and better as the weeks go by this season, because it was ON POINT this week. ‘Blue Bloody,’ the […]
East End born and raised, inspired by the dug and adapting to the weird turns his life has taken, Chris McQueer still can’t believe that he’s a published author, getting […]
“S’appnin cunts?” I’m about to press enter when I realise that I’m on the wrong group chat window. This message is for friends I’ve known for years – best friends […]
So, I just finally got around to watching the new episode of iZombie and it was really good! At the end of season 3 we saw the world become aware […]